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Divorce + Family Law Attorneys
Media, PA

Your Family is Our Focus

How Kayden's Law May Affect Your Custody
Kayden's Law was recently enacted in Pennsylvania and has had a wide-ranging impact on Pennsylvania Custody cases. The law was enacted...

Why every Separating Couple Needs a Custody Agreement
Do I need a custody agreement? As both a family law attorney and a single mother I cannot more strongly recommend that separating parents...

How to lose your case
In many cases lawyers find that their clients are their own worst enemies. When you hire an attorney you are looking for someone who...

Relocation in Child Custody
Can my ex stop me from moving with my kids? There is no easy answer to this question. First, you need to follow the custody relocation...

Custody Myths and Misconceptions
Custody litigation can be stressful, and there's a lot of misinformation in popular media surrounding child custody law. I wrote this...

Frequently Asked Will Questions
Frequently Asked Will and Estate Questions Q. What happens if I die without a will? A. If you fail to plan your estate and die without a...

Dividing a Marriage
Equitable Distribution - In order to evaluate and divide the marital estate, Pennsylvania courts rely on Equitable Distribution, or ED. ...

Spousal Support, Alimony, and APL
Three Types of Support Between Spouses In Pennsylvania, other than child support, there are three types of support a spouse may be...

The Battle for Our Children
As loving and caring parents, you always have the best interests of your children at heart. Custody litigation can be a physically and...
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